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  • 2014 - 06.05

    How has society changed?

    • We pay less attention to our surroundings.
    • More people are able to explore and travel.
    • We are able to go farther distances
    • We are able to go at a faster pace
    • We use the type of cars we drive as social status

    Inquiry Question- Group Project

    2014 - 04.15

    How can we as genetic scientists support the production of the local agriculture industry while educating the community on the pro’s and con’s of genetically modified organisms?

    Features of a Personal Technology

    2014 - 04.10

    When discussing features of personal technologies, we are going to highlight the battery within our cell phones. Battery life is not very reliable and doesn’t have the endurance we would like. The battery interacts with many parts of the phone because if the battery is not charged you aren’t going to be able to use any part of your phone.  When you open anything on your phone it is using the batteries charge making it a multi- tasking device.  The battery used in cell phones are usually specific to that brand it is inside of. Batteries are in many different devices such as computers, cameras, and cars. Batteries play an essential role in personal devices

    Personal Technologies

    2014 - 03.27

    When discussing features of personal technologies, we are going to highlight the battery within our cell phones. Battery life is not very reliable and doesn’t have the endurance we would like. The battery interacts with many parts of the phone because if the battery is not charged you aren’t going to be able to use any part of your phone.  When you open anything on your phone it is using the batteries charge making it a multi- tasking device.  The battery used in cell phones are usually specific to that brand it is inside of. Batteries are in many different devices such as computers, cameras, and cars. Batteries play an essential role in personal devices

    Adopting a Personal Technology

    2014 - 03.10

    I purchased my IPhone 4 about a year and a half ago. I was interested in getting a phone because everyone I went to school with had a cell, and I wanted to have one to stay connected with my friends and be a part of the fad.  I fell into the late majority adopter category because I bought it second hand quite a while after it was released. It was the first thing I had ever bought on my own so I didn’t want to spend the full amount of money on a brand new phone. I never put much thought into the quality of it, I wanted that type because many people I knew had the IPhone and seemed happy with it. When I was getting my IPhone 4 Apple had just launched the IPhone 5. Looking back I would have still purchased my phone even though I had done no real research on the reliability of the product, because it works great for me and never have had problems with it. In the future with buying new phones I predict I will fall into the early majority because I will upgrade to a new phone when I am eligible to do so with my phone carrier.

    Can Go Pro Improve Athletic Performance?

    2014 - 03.03

    How can we as professional athletes use the Go Pro camera to improve our athletic peformance?

    The Go Pro Camera is a portable camera that gives you a point of view look at how you see the world.

    Go Pro Training Day with Brandon Llyod gives you a clear look at how a professional athlete would use the go pro camera to review his previous training and see where he can improve.

    On the Go Pro website you have the option of choosing which camera will fit your needs best by sports categories making it easy for you to pick the perfect camera.


    Having so many different options to fit every sports go pro cameras will become a highly popular accessory in not only sports, but bringing the go pro along while you hike or swim.

    The cameras are a huge asset to your athletic performance because it allows you to easily attach it to yourself while performing and then use it to review your skills. Professional snowboarder Shaun White is known for using go pro cameras while boarding.


    Initial Inquiry: DNA fingerprinting

    2014 - 03.03

    You can tell a lot by fingerprints, from who you are, to who you are related to, to even being able to convict you for a crime. DNA testing is very accurate, the chances of inaccuracy is 1 in a billion. People can have similar DNA when tested by swabs, blood, or urine. With fingerprinting you are able to pinpoint a particular person because there is only one set of your fingerprints, your own! A DNA fingerprint is the same for every cell, tissue, and organ of a person. It cannot be altered by any treatment. DNA fingerprinting is the primary method for distinguishing human beings.


    Initial Inquiry: Google Glasses

    2014 - 03.03

     How are the Google Glasses more rewarding than any other technology that has been released? 

    Google Glasses are changing modern technology as we know it. Having a mobile phone in your hand as you reply to emails, make phone calls, even check the weather can be quite distracting as your walking down the street, or working. With Google glasses you can do all the things you could on a cellphone, just made easier. All your notifications pop up in the corner of your vision and can even be read out to you through the speakers, while still giving you a clear path of view. While with a sleek look, they appear to look like pretty normal glasses with a camera on the front. These glasses are changing the world of technology, giving a way for us to be on the internet so conveniently and easily, while still doing other things. With a GPS, built in camera, and all the assets of a phone will Google glasses take over the technology world?

    http://www.google.com/glass/start/what-it-does/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSnB06um5r4


    Hello world!

    2014 - 02.28

    Welcome to SD62 Student Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!